Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Mystery Writing (Chicken coop)(Part 5)

Well I guess the story becomes bigger and bigger so I hope you will wait until I post this so I thank you for your patience. Here’s a short review of the last story...
Clove and Alexandria obeyed and climbed up the rope. Soon they all had made it up to the window. Sammy took out a laser beam and zapped it through the window. Then they all jumped in….
They stared in amazement as they saw Magenta’s room had been RANSACKED! (Ransack means to go through a place stealing some things and usually destroying or spoiling everything else) With a blink of an eye Alexandria, Clove and Sammy split up and searched for something that could have been taken. Suddenly Alexandria shouted, “Guys come see this! I know I am not a good person who examines stuff but I have a hunch that this message on the window is not Magenta’s writing. What do you think Sammy; you are the one who’s talented in examining stuff”. Sammy nodded and looked at the writing. After a while she said, “Bring me another book which Magenta writes.” Clove obediently took Magenta’s journal from a shelf and brought it to Sammy.
Sammy held the two books in her both hands and said, “OH! No! The person who ransacked this place wants to trick us! Good thing we checked here before running straight to the trap!” While Sammy was telling Alexandria about her bravery Clove was examining the shelves for clues. After a while Clove pulled a book out with the name ‘Magenta’s secret and real journal’ Clove shouted, “COME SEE THIS MAYBE MAGENTA HAS WRITTEN WHAT HAS HAPPENED RECENTLY!” Sammy and Alexandria rushed toward where Clove was shouting and pacing about. When they were all together they opened the book and flipped it to the last page. Here it said in Magenta’s writing, ‘ I have to leave. My colleague has been kidnapped by the same chicken that mixed up the eggs when Sammy Clove and Alexandria were not born. Last night the chicken came to me and said that if I don’t meet him before dawn the next morning my colleague will be dead. I told the guard immediately not to allow anyone to enter my room and lock it. I did not tell them for what. Three hours before dawn a fox came with a letter and planted it on the window. I was too frightened to say anything so I kept quiet. After the fox had left I peeked in the letter and it said that the chicken and the fox are good friends and if I don’t meet them before dawn the fox will kill all the chickens. I quickly tore the note into pieces……’ Sammy, Clove and Alexandria stared in disbelief when they found out the chicken that had mixed up their mothers eggs before they were born. After a while Sammy said, “That explains it. So second vote going after Magenta!” Clove frowned a little thinking about the idea then said, “I think the fox has been here two times. One to put the letter for Magenta then ransacking this place and putting the trap note.” Sammy said, “CLOVE you’re a GENIUS!” And with that Sammy hugged Clove. Alexandria said, “Earth to Sammy, Come in Sammy we are suppose to save the world of chickens remember??” Sammy laughed and said that the last one to jump out of the window and save the chicken world is a dead chicken. With that Sammy, Clove and Alexandria jumped through the window at the same time and landed on a hay stack. Sammy brushed the hay from her feathers and walked toward the forest next to Magenta’s room. It was about dawn now so they had to hurry. After a while they reached a small coop where there was slight commotion (A scene of noisy confusion or activity) There was a little mumbling and shouting from chickens and a fox. Sammy, Clove and Alexandria sneaked into the small coop and heard the fox talking, “Well, well if isn’t the chicken that tried to trick me smart guy that Magenta. Now that I’ve captured you and your colleague I will eat you! Hahaha” Sammy got so angry that she jumped out of the hiding place and shouted at the fox, “MAGENTA IS A GOOD SOUL WHY DO YOU WANT TO KILL HIM! HE HAS DONE NOTHING NOT EVEN THE COLLEAGUE!” Clove and Alexandria shot from there hiding places and squeaked, “err we were just leaving so no harm right?”
The fox roared in rage and grabbed the two chickens by the arm and said, “YOU BEASTS I WILL EAT ALL OF YOU!” Sammy crept out of the view and gave a short apologetic look without being noticed by anyone and ran back to her mother’s coop……

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Title: Mix- Up Eggs (Ready Set Feast) (Part 4)

Have you heard? This story is getting bigger than it’s supposed to be! How many stories of this will be displayed??Well we can find it out here……. The heading is a short review so let’s continue with it…. here it goes…..

“Let’s tell Magenta about this. He is the wisest person I have ever met. I am sure he will know what this is about.” Clove and Alexandria replied yes immediately. They went to find Magenta but when they just crossed over the chicken coop a security chicken stopped them and said, “Magentas room has been locked for his orders and security orders. So you won’t be able to visit him or cross this path. You will have to take the long way.” With that the chicken guard stood firmly in his position blocking Sammy from crossing. Sammy looked sadly at the guard and walked away…………
Clove and Alexandria waited for Sammy at the Grand Chicken Coop Hallway. Clove asked, “Well, what did the Royal Guard say?” Sammy looked doubtful and said, “That guard said Magenta locked himself up and does not want to come out for reasons they too also DO NOT know.” Alexandria looked angrily towards the guard. Sammy and Clove was shocked by Alexandria’s reaction. Usually Alexandria was the only one in the group that was the calmest one and was very peaceful to live with. Alexandria said, “Well we are not going to give up! We will find out why Magenta locked himself up and we will put an end to this!” Sammy looked a little shocked by the plan but she said, “Well since you made this, why don’t you tell us a plan? Miss Calm Of Chicken?” Sammy said this to joke everyone so they wouldn’t be dull but it only happened to make Alexandria angrier. Alexandria shouted, “I MAY BE THE YOUNGEST BUT, CAN’T I HAVE A PLAN TOO! YOU ALWAYS ARE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!” Clove calmly said, “We came here for reason isn’t that right and a reason it is a reason we will discover soon. So if you want to put an end to this let’s do it if not we are never going to find out what’s going on.” With that Clove continued walking. Sammy turned around and shouted’ “CLOVE COME BACK! I AM SORRY! COME BACK PLEASE!” Clove turned and walked back. Alexandria sat down next to a tree to have some shade and took out a pencil and a paper. She scribbled something on it and threw it directly at Magenta’s bedroom window. “There”, Alexandria said. “What there!” Sammy asked. She had still not gotten over with her anger so she spoke roughly. Alexandria said “We will know if Magenta is in his room if he replies I sent him a letter saying why did you locked yourself up, if he answers we will know he is safe if he doesn’t we will plan a sneak attack from the guards tonight.” Clove looked eagerly at the plan while Sammy just nodded her head. After 3 hours Sammy said, “Well he hadn’t replied so let’s do the sneak attack against the guards.” Clove looked a little scared but she didn’t show an expression to tell she was scared. On the other hand Alexandria just nodded. Sammy on the lead crawled slowly on the ground looking for clues or people still on work. Clove looked at her watch and thought, “Its 10:00pm I am sure Magenta will be sleeping. And on the other hand Alexandria is so excited I am sure anyone two miles away can see her red face lit up with excitement. Why can’t I be like her? She has no fear.” Clove giggled at the part she said anyone can see Alexandria’s face two miles away. Clove got over her fears a little after the joke in her mind. While Clove was thinking about some other plans and jokes she heard Sammy’s voice which shook her from her night dreaming. Sammy was saying, “We are here and coasts clear no guards lets sneak in!” Clove and Alexandria nodded Sammy threw a rope up to Magenta’s window and climbed up. She looked around for Magenta and suddenly screamed she shouted out hoarsely, “MAGENTA’S NOT HERE! HELP HE LEFT A NOTE SAYING HIS COLLEAGUE IS ABOUT TO BE KILLED BY A FOX AND HE HAS TO SAVE HER!” With that Sammy let go of the rope and fell, deep down. Clove shouted, “SAMMY!! OH DEAR SAMMY, ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?” Alexandria luckily was able to catch Sammy at the right time before she fell. Alexandria asked’ “Sammy, are you OK?” Sammy smiled feebly and said, “I am now ok I really thought I was going to die! Imagine that you luckily caught me just in time.” Soon after Sammy got her strength back after her “Harrowing Experience” she said, “Let’s find out where Magenta might have gone to or let’s enter his room and search for more clues you know that I only found the letter while I was on the window so I might have not read it properly so it’s going to be voting so we will know how many votes we get for entering his room or going after him. So who is voting for checking the room.” There were three votes for entering the room and no votes for going after him. Then Alexandria said, “We have our votes let’s do them!!!!!!!!’’ Sammy threw the rope up again and climbed up. While she was in the middle of the rope she shouted to Alexandria and Clover, “GUYS! COME UP HERE I MEAN TO THE ROPE THEN IT WILL BE SAFER AND EASIER FOR ME AND YOU GUYS!!!” Clove and Alexandria obeyed and climbed up the rope. Soon they all had made it up to the window. Sammy took out a laser beam and zapped it through the window. Then they all jumped in….