Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Mix-up Eggs

Once upon a time there were 3 Chickens called Samantha, Clover and Alex. One day the eldest one Samantha laid an egg. When the she found out that her egg was going to hatch, she quickly told the rooster to make a ceremony for the chick’s birth.

The rooster agreed happily. He quickly told the oldest one in the Chicken family called Magenta. He was finally happy and he quickly told the rooster to make the essential decorations and invite the other chickens. The rooster immediately bowed at Magenta’s orders and rushed straight to work. While Samantha was watching the ceremony grow bigger and bigger she suddenly looked behind her and saw that her two maids Clover and Alex had also laid eggs and was about to hatch! Samantha quickly rushed to the rooster to tell him about the coincidence. The rooster stopped his decorations and went to find Magenta. Magenta said “It may not be a coincidence because Samantha’s egg was laid first so her chick would be 4 minutes older that the other two. But we won’t count that so let’s say prepare for two of them.”
The rooster agreed and did more decorations. Soon all the decorations were prepared and all the chickens put on their best outfits. While the 3 chickens were all lined up in a row for the ceremony a mischievous chicken took the eldest egg and swapped it with the last egg and the middle egg was swapped with the eldest egg. Of course the chickens did not know this because they were getting ready for the ceremony.
When they came back they quickly sat down on their eggs and waited until Magenta came up and announced how much he had been happy for this and that and so on blablabla. Finally Magenta announced the first egg was laid by Samantha.
So they all went to silence when Samantha came up. She got out of her nest and stood and bowed. She looked at her egg and found out that it was not hatching! There was sound of “haw” in the audience as they found out the mistake. Magenta quickly stopped the sound by announcing the second owner of the second egg which was Clover to come on stage. Clover looked at her egg and found out that it was already hatched! The audience again said, “Haw” as they were really puzzled. But Samantha caught a glimpse of a chicken which was grinning mischievously and figured out that that chicken should be responsible for the mix-up so Samantha quickly crept out of the stage to find the rooster in charge of the ceremony. Soon she found him and told him about the mix-up.
The rooster quickly told the youngest chicken Alex to find the big chick Clover lost. Alex quickly found it and gave it to the rooster the rooster gave it Samantha and Samantha gave the egg she was having to Alex and Alex quickly gave the egg she was having to Clover. The rooster was going to tell Magenta about the mix-up when Samantha stopped him, she said, “Don’t tell Magenta yet or the Chicken responsible might run away we have to do it secretly I already caught a glimpse of him he was 4th row.”
So the rooster agreed and went for 4th row. Samantha went with him in case he might question a wrong person. Suddenly Samantha whispered “THERE HE IS!” The rooster quickly arrested the Chicken and questioned him why he did it. The chicken replied, “It was for a joke” The rooster angrily took him out of the Ballroom and put him in the chicken coop. The rooster told Magenta what had happened and Magenta told the audience all about it and the Chicken Egg Display was showed and every one cheered for the oldest baby chick which was now named Sammy and second baby which was now called Clove and last but may not be least the youngest baby which is now called Alexandria. Every one cheered for the babies and all the chickens couldn’t forget their funniest chicken festival!

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